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Cause Analysis and Prevention of Electrical Misoperation


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In the substation operation, the electrical switching operation is one of the basic work of the substation operation, and electrical switching operation is a complex and detailed work, in the operation of a negligence, the effect, it will cause electrical Misuse, resulting in line power failure, equipment damage, serious will cause personal injury and death, power grid solution, to the country and the people of serious losses. Therefore, the prevention of electrical misoperation is of great significance to the substation operation.

First, the cause of electrical misuse

1. The technical quality of the running staff is not high

Electrical operation requires the operator to have a strong professional knowledge, familiar with the various procedures, systems. Only familiar with the role of electrical equipment, performance, equipment, and the location of the safety precautions, familiar with the electrical equipment wiring and operation mode, to master the relevant procedures to be able to carry out the correct switching operation. Now due to the accelerating pace of power grid construction, the demand for running personnel is also increasing, the operators after a short period of time on the training of induction work, not a good grasp of various procedures, systems, knowledge of security knowledge, encounter abnormal situation , Causing erroneous operation.

2. Personnel habitual violation

Operators can not strictly enforce the procedures, the system, relying entirely on chances, or too confident, not according to the rules, the system work, resulting in electrical misuse, mainly in the following points.

(1) the operating personnel can not strictly implement the "two-vote three systems" that the operation is simple, sometimes do not write the operation ticket or fill in the operation of the ticket is not serious enough to cause the operation ticket error, entirely on their own subjective judgment to operate.

(2) personnel thinking paralysis, loose, in the course of the operation do not vote, do not recite, do not carefully check the equipment name number, guardianship system is in the form. Operators and guardians are dislocated, do not perform their duties, and even leave the operator to do other work, even with the operator to operate, in fact, often become a single operation, lost custody.

(3) personnel on the operational tasks and operating range do not understand, before the class will flow in the form or simply do not carry out, blindly operate, there is chances.

(4) operation check is not serious, careful, inspection personnel to watch, check is not in place, phase separation equipment can not check one by one, see one of them that the equipment is completely separated, monitoring the operator does not carefully check the equipment after the operation State changes, will cause the ground with the knife to send the wrong operation.

(5) Close the grounding switch or install the grounding wire, omit the operation steps, for trouble; for the trouble, do not carry out electricity, with personal subjective judgment to operate.

(6) the operation of the ticket inspection and lax, the operator fill in the operation of the ticket, the person in charge of the operation of the audit ticket investigation and inspection, or even not to check on the operation, the wrong steps can not be found in time, resulting in misuse happened.

3. Poor mental state

As the lack of staff at the station, part of the staff on duty, resulting in mental state of fatigue, the operation of thinking is not enough concentration, the operation of physical exertion is too large, or sick posts, etc., likely to cause electrical accident.

4. Anti-misoperation device is not perfect or lax management

Anti-misoperation device is to prevent electrical misoperation of the mandatory technical measures, when the human factors caused by errors, as long as there is a sound and reliable anti-error locking device, but also to prevent the occurrence of misuse accidents. At present, we use the anti-error locking device for mechanical program locks, electromagnetic locks and computer lock device. Due to some product quality and installation of poor quality debugging, and improper use of maintenance personnel and other reasons, likely to cause anti-misoperation device card astringent, failure and other failures, can not play the role of anti-error lock. In the use of the operation of the staff encountered five anti-lock can not open, do not analyze the reasons to blindly unlock, do not follow the provisions of the use of unlocking the key, or even lock the smashed, so that anti-error lock device failed to fully play the role of misuse.

Second, the electrical misuse of preventive measures

1. To strengthen the operational staff ideological education, improve safety awareness

If a person does not have a sense of responsibility, even if the diploma is high, the technology is proficient, the rules and regulations are perfect, the operation plan, the instruction book is written again and again, and there may be an accident. Therefore, the operating personnel from time to time to carry out safety and ideological education, through a variety of misuse of the case so that operational staff to recognize the serious consequences of illegal operations, so alarm bells, be vigilant. On-site operation, whether complex or simple, regardless of whether the presence of leadership, should seriously and strictly enforce the safety procedures, systems, strict implementation of security measures to ensure and technical measures.

2. Develop a standardized guide for substation operation

Each substation in the first and second equipment wiring, performance has its own characteristics, and operational personnel in the technical aspects of the existence of high and low differences, which requires us according to the characteristics of substation equipment and operational requirements of the preparation of the station switching operation Standardized instructions clearly specify operational details. From the preparation of the preparation to the implementation of each of the specific steps and modes of operation are included in the standardization of the track, greatly reduce the chances of casual operations is to prevent the operation of personnel effective operation of the wrong measures.

3. Strengthen the technical training of personnel to improve the level of business technology

With the accelerated pace of construction of the grid, personnel training and needs can not be synchronized, resulting in some posts need personnel in advance posts, and these personnel on the equipment performance, equipment can not be a good grasp of the principle of the accident can not be timely and accurate analysis, % Are sudden, the operator can not accurately and quickly analyze the cause of the malfunction, dealing with the confusion caused by misuse, so that the accident to expand. Therefore, we should increase the training of running personnel, carry out various training courses on a regular basis, actively participate in various classes organized by units and higher units, organize operational personnel to study the "electrical safety work procedures" and other procedures related to substation operation, And do not test on a regular basis to test the effect of learning. Substation to carry out a variety of exercises to improve the ability of operators to deal with accidents, in order to improve the operational staff to deal with accidents and abnormal resilience, so fear. Only in this way can we fundamentally improve the quality of substation operators to provide stamina for safe operation.

4. Improve the anti-error lock device, strengthen management

Anti-misoperation device is to prevent electrical misoperation of the mandatory technical measures. When a human factor causes a mistake, if there is a perfect, reliable anti-misoperation device is to prevent the occurrence of misuse accidents. To effectively implement the anti-misuse of the work of the responsibility system, the station is responsible for the operation and management of anti-misoperation device, to strengthen the operation of personnel anti-misoperation device use, maintenance training, improve the operation of the anti-misoperation device performance, Correct use and maintenance methods. It is found that the anti-misoperation device can be replaced and repaired in time, and it is necessary to ensure that the anti-misoperation device can be used to prevent the misuse of the anti- Can be run out. To develop and improve the anti-misoperation device operation, maintenance management system, strengthen management, to ensure that the installed anti-misoperation device normal operation, the operating personnel shall not use the unlock key to unlock, encounter operation due to error-proof device can not be carried out, To find out the reasons, only in this way can we really do to prevent misuse.

5. Strict implementation of the guardianship, recitation system, strict quality control

For the more important operations must be by the owners or vice owners in the field gate checks, the general operation should also be guarded in place, careful operation. In operation, the guardian must concentrate on monitoring, not allowing to participate in the operation or other work. In the custody of the equipment should first check the correct location, followed by insisting on the implementation of singing recitation system. The operator is allowed to operate only after the guardian has confirmed it and issued a "yes to the execution" command. In order to prevent jump or missing items, to do after the completion of each operation, immediately in the number on the painting "√". Practice has proved that the implementation of the operation and care in place, strict quality control of the scene, timely correction of habitual violations, not only can effectively prevent the occurrence of electrical accidents, but also to improve the operational level, shorten the operation time, improve equipment utilization is important The

Third, the conclusion

In view of the above, in order to prevent the occurrence of electrical misuse accidents, to continuously improve the technical quality of the operation of personnel; run duty officers to strictly implement the management system, in the operation carefully and strictly implement the rules and regulations, strict implementation of the " Two votes three system "to a high degree of responsibility to treat each operation; the correct use of anti-error locking device, so that play a greater role. So that we can avoid the occurrence of electrical accidents, to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the grid.

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