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Optical communications market will maintain steady growth


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"China's optical communications market steady growth", held recently by the two sides of the strait optical communications industry alliance, Hengtong Group hosted the "2012 cross-strait optical communication forum", the delegates for China's optical communications market development given judgment. At present, in the context of rapid surge in data traffic and increasing demand for broadband speed, although the global economic environment is not stable, the optical communication market in China and the world still maintain steady growth and become a bright spot in the development of communication.

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The surge in data traffic brings historical opportunities

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"The arrival of large data age, is to bring new challenges to optical communication network." Chinese Academy of Engineering Wu Hequan said that the global data traffic is growing at an incredible rate. According to Cisco's forecast, by the end of 2016, the global busy IP traffic will reach 720Tbps, equivalent to 1.2 million minutes per second video transmission. According to statistics, the total global data in 2011 to 1.8Zb, compared with 2000 for the 800Tb, 2010 for the 600Eb. It can be seen that the new global data increased by 40%, that is, the total amount of global information every two years can be doubled.

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Wu Hequan pointed out that the rapid development of mobile Internet, but also accelerated the growth of mobile data traffic. The total amount of current mobile Internet traffic is equivalent to the total amount of fixed Internet traffic 8 years ago. In the past 18 months, the global mobile Internet traffic increased by 10 times. Liu Rongsheng, vice president of Tsinghua University in Taiwan, China believes that the rapid growth of mobile Internet applications has greatly contributed to the growth of data traffic. According to the statistics show that by 2016, mobile video services will account for 70% of the total global data traffic.

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The development of smart terminals, the development of mobile Internet, and the advent of large data days will undoubtedly bring new challenges and shocks to optical communications networks, but it is worth mentioning that these new challenges often mean new opportunities.

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"Big data will also provide opportunities for the development of optical networks," Wu Hequan said that large data under the cloud computing will rely on broadband networks, whether it is cloud computing center database interconnection, or the Internet center and the Internet between customers have to rely on large capacity Of the optical network. At the same time, due to large data on the router capacity requirements to enhance the future Tbps level of the interconnection between routers will rely on fiber. The interconnection between the servers in the metropolitan area network also requires large-capacity optical fiber transmission systems. In addition, with the development of mobile communication, the growth of base stations and the emergence of emerging base station models such as cloud base stations, the optical fiber is used to replace the traditional base station relay system. And, in the global trend of deploying WiFi hotspots, the future between the mass of hot spots also need fiber to connect.

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Market and technology are facing new developments

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With China's telecom market investment in the global market share rising, in the mobile Internet, triple play and new applications to promote the demand for bandwidth, China's optical communications market began to enter a new round of high-speed development period.

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"China's fiber demand is still strong," Chinese Academy of Engineering Zhao Zisen predicted that the 2020 fiber market demand will remain strong. At present, many economically developed areas have not yet achieved large-scale optical fiber network coverage, the future fiber will further into the family. It is expected that by 2020, fiber-optic networks will cover most of the rural areas. According to statistics, in 2011 the world's optical fiber installation, the largest in China. According to ITU-T's forecast, the length of the global FTTx line in 2012, China's longest.

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According to the photoelectric technology industry association (PIDA) leader Lin Ying introduced Taiwan's optical communications market also showed a steady development trend. In 2011, Taiwan's optical communications output value of about 23.902 billion Taiwan dollars, an increase of 11%. PIDA is expected from 2010 to 2014, Taiwan's optical communications industry to an average annual growth rate of about 11% growth.

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In the market development at the same time, optical communication technology is also bright spot. Zhao Zisen said that the current large-capacity long-distance transmission technology in the world has been rapid development, 100G system has been in China to achieve a mature business. At the same time, the application of optical networks are more diverse. The future home area network (HAN) will have the management capacity of lighting, home appliances, safety, energy and other systems and resources.

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"The future of the network should be all-optical switching network," Chinese Academy of Sciences, said Jane Shuang Sheng, in the optical network technology research, all-optical switching network is of great significance. On the one hand, all-optical switching network will lay the foundation for the establishment of a secure information network in China. In the current best-of-the-line network switching mechanism, there is no fixed circuit between the sender and the receiver, there is no signaling system, there are security risks, leading to the network ubiquitous, attack is also everywhere. However, if the realization of all-optical switching, and a signaling system, it will greatly protect the network security. On the other hand, all-optical switching network will not only increase the network capacity, but also will save more than 99% of the power for the sustainable development of optical networks to provide power.

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Qian Jianlin, general manager of the photoelectric industry pointed out that China's optical communications industry has developed five trends: First, large-capacity optical transmission technology to adapt to the video-based broadband and mobile Internet applications on large data requirements; Access technology to solve the future of the Internet multi-service, efficient access and other issues; Third, the optical switching technology will solve the future of the Internet node exchange problems; Fourth, intelligent optical networking technology to solve the future of the Internet in the optical layer of the dynamic network Problem; fifth, photon integration technology will meet the future of optical communications market lower power consumption, higher density, higher speed demand.

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Although the development of the communications market will be affected by macroeconomic factors, but the face of large data, mobile Internet and other new technologies and new applications, in the face of increasing bandwidth needs of users, communications network upgrade power will continue to improve. It is foreseeable that the future in the market and technology, driven by the joint efforts of the industry chain, China's optical communications market will continue to grow steadily and create greater glories.

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